You can always benefit from the abandoned cart emails. They work because of their utmost quality as a reminder that tells, ‘Dear you, forgot something you love? Well, let’s get it now.’

Data drives us to believe it works: ‘abandoned cart emails have a superb 39.07% open rate and a 23.33% click-through rate (Hotjar).’

Whether you sell products to another business or direct consumers, abandoned cart emails are a game. And, if you are looking for the best way to create them, this blog will show you a handful of abandoned cart email templates to get your strategies right.

Abandoned Cart Email in a Nutshel

Abandoned Cart Email in a Nutshel

An abandoned cart email is an automated email that is sent to customers once they have left the cart without purchasing.

Let’s elaborate a bit. If a user adds a product to the cart but doesn’t complete the purchase, you send an email to inspire that individual to convert/ make the purchase.

The primary goal of this type of email is to increase the incomplete sales number as well as promote similar products for upselling or cross-selling.

A well-designed abandoned cart email has the following elements –

  • Reminder
  • Product Information
  • Call to Action
  • Incentives
  • Customer Support information
  • Personalization

Abandoned cart emails are a crucial part of e-commerce marketing strategies because they target potential customers who have already shown interest in products but didn’t follow through with a purchase.

Also, you can win back those customers and build a long-lasting relationship that helps your brand grow.

Abandoned Cart Email Template – The Formation

Well, let’s come to the point in the first place. If you want to create an abandoned cart email, where to start? Here’s an example from Moment. We have pointed through the different elements of the following abandoned cart email template –

anatomy of an abandoned cart email template

1. Brand Logo: Your email should start with the brand logo. It creates the impression that a user has visited your site. The reminder starts working.

2. Your Message aka Sales Copy: Craft a careful message to intrigue the user. That he/she left something or forgot. Be precise, and make your words count.

3. Show the product: In this part, you get to display the product the specific user left in the cart. This is crucial and makes him/her feel interested in completing the purchase.

4. CTA: This is a must. You show the product and a welcoming message to the user. Now, give them a way to take action.

5. Ending message and Incentives: An ending message is good if the user skips the body part of an abandoned cart email. With an attractive ending message, you can re-engage. Also, this part could be used to describe the incentives.

6. Unsubscribe link: It’s a courtesy of every marketing email. Don’t forget to add an unsubscribe link. Your potential customer would love to see one.

However, the best place to show incentives in an abandoned cart email is the body/sales copy. It’s better to merge it with the main message.

Well, the template is expandable for make upselling and cross-selling which we will show you in the upcoming section.

10 Best Abandoned Cart Email Examples to Learn for Your Marketing

1. Rael

This abandoned cart email starts with an incentive. That means they try to intrigue users to shop more in the first place. ‘Free shipping’ is one of the most desirable words an online shopper wants to avail.

After gaining the first impression, the copy tells you about the goal of the email. The CTA is in a helping mode, barring the ‘try to sell hard’ kind of catchphrase.

The design is cool and engaging. It reflects the thematic ambiance of Rael, which is a skincare brand. Before closing up, the email also has a portion to upsell by displaying some similar products.

The smartest thing to learn from this abandoned cart email template is this – it looks smart and doesn’t tell you directly to make a purchase. They showed that you have liked some of their product, and it would be great if you consider completing the purchase.

The tonal difference is significant here compared to any common abandoned cart email.

2. Le Puzz

Le Puzz sells puzzles – any kind you love. Why did we pick this particular abandoned cart email example? We are explaining.

The customer left one item in the cart and checked the way Le Puzz tried to reconnect with the email copy.

“We found a lost puzzle, could it be yours?” Well, it must be, and it’s funny at the same time.

Puzzles are being made for mind refreshment, and when an email like this hits your inbox, it surely does a trick on you to purchase one if you add a product like this and leave the cart somehow in the past.

Therefore, the CTA button is also a thing to notice. Instead of shop now, the put it like ‘Shop Puzzles’, emphasizing the theme of the business once again.

3. Homes Alive Pets

Cuteness on the sales copy, that’s how it works for Home Alive Pets’s abandoned cart email. Cherry on the top, they have added a relevant image to grab your instant attention.

Email marketing copy should convert a customer, yet it must not manifest an urge to “Please buy it”. Rather it works when you try to say, “You would love to buy it”.

Well, you can see a lot of CTR in this template, they don’t keep a space left. Is it that good? Not necessarily. However, in this particular email, this works like this – the reader sees the headline copy and the image that attracts so much.

It surely hit a cord as it is relevant to a lovable pet. And, the first CTA in the top left helps to go the cart without further scrolling.

4. Groove Co.

Groove is a cleaning brand committed to providing products made with eco-friendly or recyclable elements. Besides, selling products, they also want people to used to their brand motto. So, so often they have sent free products to inspire people.

We’ve chosen one such email as a remarkable example of an abandoned cart email. The above email is all about spreading the brand message – be a force of ‘Groove’ nature.

For this particular user, maybe he/she left the cart after adding a few items. The company is saying that they could be happy to send those items as a gift, even if the shipping charge would also be free.

The goal of this abandoned cart email is to grow the user list. It isn’t necessary if you got a free product from a brand, you expect them to send more free items in the future. Rather, if you love their items, you may also make a purchase in the future. That’s how the circle runs. And, it’s quite extraordinary.

5. Huckberry

The above Huckberry email is a good example of a simple yet powerful abandoned cart email. It has a powerful header copy, an impactful message, and a clean CTA. The email began with all of this so smartly.

The overall design follows the basic pattern we’ve discussed earlier in this article. After the initial pitch, it displays the product the target user added to the cart and left. The second CTR is so personal and provocative, which is a winner.

If you scan the whole email, it aims not only to re-engage the possible customer. Huckberry designed the second part solely for cross-selling. And, the email does well-aligned and armed to accomplish the goal.

6. Javy

We’ve selected the above email for its simplicity. The theme of the email reflects the brand ambiance in the first place. That’s all for the visual.

After the brand logo, they start talking to the potential buyer and list the product left in the cart.

What works here best is the email copy that follows the product list. They have created a FOMO (bold letters) that says – the products are limited in the collection, so get them before they run out. It’s that simple.

Finally, the CTA offers all you need. The copy is guiding, and the red color easily matched with the FOMO effect created above.

7. Chatters

Chatters is a beauty product brand from Klarna. The above email starts with a FOMO – the headline copy has it all. The forecasting of their selected product going out of stock could easily impact the buying decision.

Then it comes about the body copy of the email. And it said things are alright like this: the products are scarce, but we care for you and keep the item you love especially for you, get them in a hurry!

What we like most about this email is the striking use of copy. Sometimes, you don’t need many things to implement if you can display the right words at the right time.

8. Haoma

If you need a minimal and classic design for your abandoned cart email, this email from Haoma is the one to get inspiration. They keep it evocative with the color tone and the header image which works both for the brand and the target audience.

If you look closely, you can detect that the whole email is simply a statement of the Haoma brand. It’s nature-friendly, sells organic products, and aims to help people with their cause.

The body copy and CTA’s are plain and don’t try to be overarching. The whole thing is so aligned and focused.

9. Luno

Luno sells car gear. And, they don’t try to boost anymore than they need.

The headline copy is engaging and connects with the target audience very well. Besides, the positioning and use of fonts are attractive yet readable. Indeed, the email follows the aforementioned abandoned cart email template we discussed earlier.

Added as a plus, the email emphasizes giving back to the community. It’s proven that any community based on digital products, classic cars, or cameras has a tendency to purchase similar products once at a time.

As Luno maintains such a community of Car Campers, they invite the users to join that community besides completing the purchases they have left before.

10. Smart Droplist

Suppose, you add a product to a cart and forget. The next day, got an email that said, ‘You can buy these items we thought you love, this time with a discount.’ Wouldn’t that be nice?

Smart Droplist did the same thing with the above email. They dropped the price of a product the potential consumer left in the cart and asked him/her if they would love to buy this again at a lower price.

The design is direct, and so is the message. It works when you have a sure-shot incentive in the play.

Abandoned Cart Email Best Practices

Creating effective abandoned cart emails requires a strategic approach to maximize the chances of recovering potential sales. Here are some best practices for creating and sending abandoned cart emails –

Timing: Send the first abandoned cart email shortly after the cart is abandoned, usually within the first 1-2 hours. This ensures that the potential customer’s interest is still fresh.

Use a compelling subject line: Craft a subject line that grabs the recipient’s attention and conveys the purpose of the email.

Personalization: Address the recipient by their first name to make the email feel more personalized. Include product recommendations based on their browsing and purchase history to increase relevancy.

Clear and concise content: Keep the email concise and focused on the abandoned items. Highlight the product details, including images, names, and prices.

CTA: Include a prominent and easy-to-spot call-to-action (CTA) button or link to return to the cart or proceed to checkout.

Offer incentives: Provide incentives to encourage customers to complete their purchases.

Use a responsive design: Ensure that your email template is mobile-responsive to accommodate users on different devices and screen sizes.

Multiple follow-ups: Consider sending a series of abandoned cart emails, not just one. Send a reminder email within the first few hours, followed by additional emails over the next few days.

A/B testing: Continuously test different elements of your abandoned cart emails, such as subject lines, email copy, CTA buttons, and incentives, to identify what works best for your audience.

Analyze and optimize: Track the performance of your abandoned cart email campaigns, including open rates, click-through rates, and conversion rates.

Up to You

If you follow the aforementioned. best practices, your businesses can create more effective abandoned cart email campaigns that are more likely to entice potential customers to return and complete their purchases.

We believe the well-discussed abandoned cart email template should help you create your own and win over customers.