Email marketing is a low-priced, yet powerful way to contact your consumers and visitors. You can boost your business ROI dramatically by running successful email campaigns. It may help you to improve relations with inherent clients, keep current consumers informed, offer discounts & coupons to boost buyer loyalty, and many more!

Doing email marketing in the right way can take your business to the top of the current market. Besides that, you can generate a sound ROI.

On the other hand, the wrong email marketing can decrease website traffic and people’s engagement with your products or service.

Here, we will share some effective and real-life proved best email marketing hacks that you can utilize in your business.

Pre Considerations Before Adopting Best Email Marketing Tool

email listing

Before starting any marketing, everybody needs to do a detailed plan. So, what will make the differences in your email marketing? The best email marketing should begin with a proper drawing. Now, you will introduce some pre-consideration.

Build an Email List & Grow it Consistently

If you have small but qualified email lists who are interested in what you are offering, then it’s really hard to defeat you. You can switch your website visitors to your subscribers to build a targeted email list.

A small list that wants exactly what you’re offering is better than a bigger list that isn’t committed.

Ramsay Leimenstoll

The best way to collect emails and grow the list is to insert a lead magnet. It can be a discount code, Checking a demo version of your software, an E-book, or premium contents that attract the site visitor. In exchange request, an email and now collect the emails seamlessly.

Collect Information About Your Customers

Make the customer the hero of your story.

Ann Handley

If you have done email marketing then you know who are your target audiences. So, you need to research a lot on your subscribers for doing the best email marketing.

For instance, think you are a dog lover. I have tracked you when you have read my website article or click on any advertisement, which is related to dog food. If I send emails about the best healthy dog foods for your furry baby, won’t you like to read it in the concern of your dog? Definitely, you will at least overlook my email. And, if I give any offer or discount you may not order at that moment. Perhaps my brand will be in your consideration list.

Therefore, when you will write relevant emails to your subject related reader, subscribers or whatever you say, the email will do vast marketing on the web.

Create Mobile-friendly Emails

According to a study of Campaign Monitor, from 2010 to 2015, emails open in the mobile ratio is increased by 30% rather than the computer or laptop. For not creating mobile-friendly emails you could miss the chance to attach your customers more efficiently.

Focus on your pre-header text of the email, which is a support to your subject line. It gives more connections to fascinate your subscribers.

Also, don’t forget to concise your copy for mobile-friendly emails. Try to create a short, scannable, or bulleted paragraph. That will be easily digestible to your reader. So, you may have a low chance of ignorance and be in the spam box.

What You Should Consider while Designing and Sending Emails

Best Email Marketing

Still, we have discussed the precautions you should take before starting the email marketing. Now, I will describe what you need to consider while creating the email. This procedure will help you to determine the structure and make a perfect outlook of your email. Let’s dive in.

Write a Relevant Subject Line

Before reading your email the customer will look at your subject line. Maybe you have written an outstanding mail but your subscriber will swipe to another content just reading your subject line. It’s really unacceptable for a hardworking email marketer. 

Thus, the best email marketing required a relevant and powerful subject line. Campaign monitor’s research says that a perfect subject line contains 41-50 words. Also, remember that your email will open in mobile so the line should include the most important part of your content. 

I have listed some tricks to improve your subject line. Check it out. 

  • Describe people concisely that they will receive after opening the email
  • You can add your customer’s name for targeting him individually
  • Avoid spam triggered words like- guarantee, great offer, order now, winner, promise you, etc.

Therefore, a well-optimized subject line can boost your click, open, and conversion rates fast.

Build Eye-catchy Opt-in Forms

Opt-in forms can run a successful email campaign and add lots of subscribers to your list. For that, you have to create an eye-catchy opt-in form, which will collect the email. You can build various types of forms for different parts of your website.

For example-

Welcome: It will appear when your visitor comes to your site. This opt-in form should describe your site’s main motto within a few seconds.

Offer: You can show your current offer or deals to attract your subscribers. Describe how long the deal is staying and how much benefit he/ she will after availing it.

Exit-intent popups: This form will popup in front of the exit intended visitors with numerous lead magnet.

Shorten Your Email Length

Why waste a sentence saying nothing?

Seth Godin

Most of the email marketing tips discuss how to improve the open rate of email. But, very few will describe how to keep the attention of your reader while the email is opened. My point is if your customers don’t read your content how long you will keep them on your list.

For writing long and irrelevant lines people like to skip emails. On the other hand subject wise, short and specified emails always help to do the best email marketing.

You will be successful if your subscribers take action after getting the email. For that, you have to keep your emails short and be on the point. After getting your email people will come to your site if they feel interested. People don’t like extra butter on them. So, stay straight and explicit.

Tell Your Current Offers

Draw your visitor’s attention by sending them to offer emails, which will contain the list of your deals or discounts right now. Most of the time you can send these emails in Christmas, New Year, Birthday of your site or on special days like Women day, Fathers day and many more.

So, firstly don’t promote your site, say what you are offering them now and the validation date. Place a CTA button like- Click to avail the deal, Click to enjoy the offer or anything you want.

If you have sent the email to your subject-oriented people then he/ she will like to check the email at first glance.

What Should You Check While Collecting Reports and Getting Feedback

Best Email Marketing

If you are successful in doing email marketing, then you will get a lot of feedback and reports. To remain the success, you have to give some time over that information from your customer.

Show the Path to Unsubscribe

The best email marketing is complete when you feel that you have done your peak performance. In this situation, you have to keep the strength and courage to say your visitors that if they are not feeling good or suitable they can unsubscribe you.

Apart from losing subscribers, you will also get benefited in two ways. You may ask me, how? Well, firstly, for this open gateway, people will at least subscribe to you to check out the whole process. Some readers skip the email the first time by thinking that they can not get back or unsubscribe this site.

Secondly, you will have an authentic number of interested people regarding your area. So, you will be profited at your every email campaign to these characters.

Don’t Promote Your Site Directly

Before starting your email campaign, have you ever looked in your inbox emails? Aren’t they all looks the same? The answer is, “Yes”. My mailbox is in the same condition.

Now take a lesson from them. Check out which email can attract you and which one you want to skip or throw in the trash. Every we get lots of emails that sound cheesy and each of us hates them badly.

Don’t be like them. First of all, don’t try to promote your site in your content. Sending emails to all your subscribers is the promotion of your website. So, why you need an extra effort which can ruin your all hard works.

Next, try to make personal emails and don’t sound like TV commercials. Your email content should be like a friend or problem solver, not a sale person. Rather than promoting your products, tell your customers how can reap the benefit out of it. Make your emails special by focusing on what value you can add in their life.

Generate Reports and Retarget the Audience in a Proper Way

You should start retargeting your customers after getting the report of your email campaign. If you can’t determine when to start retargeting then follow some proven ways I have listed below- 

  • When you will get a large number of shopping cart abandonments
  • When someone has visited your site without taking any action
  • Most importantly, when someone has downloaded your lead magnet

Through retargeting, I get lots of advantages in email marketing. Let’s have a look at them- 

  • The fabulous fact about retargeting is that it works for the customer who has presented interests in your services.
  • According to the study of Moz, a normal standard eCommerce growth ratio is between 2% and 4%, while the email retargeting is at 41%. 
  • After retargeting the subscribers who have downloaded the lead magnets, my product selling has increased by 50%.  

Bonus Tips: Do Best Email Marketing with The Timesaving Technologies

Best Email Marketing

Technology is ruling the whole world right now. If you stay with tech and use it properly, your work-load may down by 50-70%.

There are lots of email marketing tools online like Constant Contact, SendinBlue, Mailchimp, Drip, and many more. They offer outstanding service and each of the services is super-effective. But most of their features is costly for regular users. You have to count sound dollars for using them.

On the other hand, you can get weMail, an effective WordPress email Marketing plugin at a very low cost. There are many amazing features for free users.

weMail– A Perfect Way for The Best Email Marketing

Best Email Marketing

weMail is a cloud email newsletter platform, which lets you send emails via Amazon SES, SparkPost, Mailgun or your favorite SMTP provider. This makes it potential for you to send authenticated bulk emails at an insanely low price without sacrificing deliverability.

Highlights of weMail

Drag-and-drop Editor: You can build a beautiful email newsletter with the Drag-and-Drop Editor. It is fast and simple!

Subscriber Management: You can keep and manage as many subscribers as you want without any restrictions.

Campaign Reports: This feature will let you know an overview of how your emails are working and strategize your place in marketing accordingly.

List Segmentation: It divides your email subscribers list. Also, it sends what is most relevant to each individual.

Autoresponders: When you don’t have time to reply to every email, this autoresponder will reply to your emails.

Bounce handling: It keeps your lists clean effortlessly as bounces, complaints & unsubs are automatically cleaned.

Summing-up of Effective Email Marketing

To promote your business, services, products, or whatever you say, you have to do email marketing for grabbing authentic visitors. The real customers are the fuel of a company. They help to run your business if they find the advantages they are looking for.

I hope you can get a full view of how to do the best email marketing in 2023 through this article. Let us know how much it is effective for you. Leave your comment below if you have any opinion regarding the email marketing platform.