A signup form is the first point where you ask users to do something for you. You don’t ask them to buy here, rather it becomes an invitation to exchange mutual values and a long-lasting customer relationship. That’s why the email signup form needs to evoke a sense of earnestness, promises, and simplicity in one place.

The following tutorial will show how to create an email signup form with weMail in the simplest way possible. We believe it will help you to achieve desired success with your lead capturing, and much more.

What is an Email Sign Up Form

What is an Email Signup Form

An email sign up form is a form that is used to collect leads/email addresses of new users of your website. It’s also called lead capture form.

Email sign up forms are the best ways to collect fresh leads for your email list, send newsletters, and bring conversions.

One of the best ways to build a long-lasting relationship with your user is maintaining a continuous connection. With email or newsletter marketing, you can regularly send them updates about your products, help them engage with your brand and promotional activities by sharing incentives, and ask them for feedback to improve your service.

Email signup form is what you need to create a robust email list in the first place.

Must-have Elements of a Good Lead Capture Form

Four essential things make a lead capture form aka email sign-up form successful.

1. Use an email marketing tool to create email sign-up forms

2. Implement a double-optin process to ensure the authenticity of the subscribers

3. Right placement of the sign-up form on your website with the best timing strategy

4. Initiate your journey with a welcome email sequence

A welcome sequence is crucial to any email marketing, as it greets the newest subscribers and channels them to make your desired action gradually. Also, welcome emails help earn the initial trust of the subscribers.

How to Create an Email Sign-Up Form Step-by-Step

How to Create an Email Sign-Up Form Step-by-Step

There are many ways you can create an email sign up form in WordPress. All you need is an email marketing tool that is easily compatible with the WordPress platform. We will be showing you the process by using the default form-building feature of weMail.

weMail comes for free and premium both. It offers a robust array of features, and also a lot of form-building integrations to gear up your lead capturing.

Step One. Create An Email Sign Up Form with weMail

weMail is a WordPress email automation platform, and it’s only a matter of a few clicks to build your first lead capture form with weMail.

To begin with, install weMail on your WordPress site. Check this weMail installation guide to learn in detail.

After you complete the installation process, here’s how to start –

From your dashboard, go to weMail, then Forms, and click on New Forms

click on new forms

You will see four categories of signup forms in the next step, choose one to begin your journey. Here, we’ve selected the basic one.

select your optin form

After that, you must select an email list (and click ‘Save’) where your captured leads will be saved and your sign-up form will be created.

select an email list

Well, if you do it just as we’ve said, you are ready to do the exciting next step.

Step Two. Customize Your Email Sign-up Form

Now that you’ve created your email signup form, it’s time to customize it. And, weMail has a superb drag-and-drop form customizer to make this job simple and fun at the same time.

drag and drop weMail form customizer

If you choose the basic form template, you can customize it from scratch, and turn it into something beautiful and engaging.

The drag-and-drop option helps you to change form fields, header, footer, CTA buttons, add images, and even add custom fields.

After you customize form fields, the next thing you need is to stylize your form.

Stylize your email signup form

In the style section, you can choose all the major types of form modes like Inline form, Modal, Floating Bar, and Slide Up. After selecting one, it’s simple to add background images, change colors, border and border radius, padding, and all the sections that make your lead capture form attractive and superbly usable.

Now that you have done customizing your signup form, you need to set up how it shall work in the settings section.

This section will help you to set the follow-up action after someone signs up for your form. You may like to show them a thank you message or redirect them to a specific landing page.

And that’s all, your form is ready. The next step is form placement, and we will be showing you in the following part.

Where to Add Your Email Sign-Up Forms in WordPress

Now that you have created your email sign up form, it’s time to place your form. Where you put your form will write the course of your success.

As a WordPress site owner, you know which of your landing pages get the most interactions and organic visits. You can select those pages, or you can add your lead capture form to those locations which will help you accomplish your goal.

Check out the following site locations where you shall add your sign-up form for better outcomes –

1. Homepage

sign up form in Homepage

Many people visit your homepage and leave after some time. The average time users spend on a homepage is 52 seconds. Not necessarily do they leave for bad UX or they feel your homepage isn’t fulfilling their need. They just leave and may be bookmarked on your site if they wish to that’s all.

However, 52 seconds is quite a good time to convince them to take action. This is where your email sign up form could play a crucial load, and turn a visitor into your subscriber.

Take a look at the image we’ve shared above, it’s from the MetricHQ landing page and pops up within 15 seconds after you’ve visited their page. The form doesn’t even require your name. Just enter your email, and subscribe.

2. Blog Page

A blog page is another crucial landing page where you should add a subscription form. People organically come to your WordPress site to read quality content. So, if you add a lead capture form, there are high possibility that your organic readers become your subscribers, and this way you can increase your blog traffic even more.

3. Social Media

Social media fans and followers are already invested in your cause. It means you are already providing value to their social experience through your social media activities. You can turn this following into a new dimension by signing them up for your WordPress site.

The best way to do this is by sharing email signup links through social media content or there are options to add email sign up forms in most of the social media platforms, you could simply use this feature.

4. Contact Page

You visit a contact page, about section, or company profile page to learn more about a brand. That means, these landing pages only draw people who are interested to know or learn about your company. You can place an email sign up form there and invite these people to subscribe. Surely, it will improve the quality of your email lists if not increase the number of your total subscribers.

Closing Up

Creating an email sign up form is simple. The way to success will be dependent on your email marketing strategy, like where you place the forms, and how you nurture your leads.

Throughout this tutorial, we’ve discussed how to create an email sign up form with weMail and show you some examples. If you are already using another email marketing platform, you can find all the necessary options to do it with almost the same process.

If you have any further questions, do comments. We will be coming back with the answers as soon as possible.