If you want to stand out from the crowd in Digital Marketing, then sending professional emails is obvious. And it’s a must-have thing that every digital marketer should utilize. Therefore, you must know how to write an email in an effective way.

Love or hate it, emails take the cake of digital marketing with its effectivity and interconnection method, not to mention its capability to snatch clients attention – Campaign Monitor

So considering all the value of email marketing, we’ll share some tips and tricks in today’s post. And we hope these tricks will surely concern to improve Your email write up.

But before going to the elaborate discussion, let’s find out some facts that a professional email should have.

Let’s get started:

Must-Have Things in Professional Emailing

how to write an email

Every business has its own tactics and methods. For example, if you want to run an online business, then you must follow the digital marketing trends, or if you have a physical store, then you have to market the products physically. In that case, you have to be very smart and professional.

Like other marketing strategies, sending emails to clients is also a vital part of digital marketing. But the lack of proper utilization, sometimes you fail to get the aspired result. For example:

  • Fewer email opens
  • Click-throughs are not well
  • Replies are not in time
  • Occurs irrelevancy
  • Impression goes down

Thus it causes less revenue and makes a loss. This problem occurs because you do not know how to write a professional email.

Related Article: why customers don’t like to open an email

However, at your convenience, let us know what to follow so that your email will be converted to a professional email.

It Includes Catchy Subject Lines

When an email pops up, people watch the subject Line first. Then they open it up. And their emails contain catchy subjects. As a result, they get a suitable outcome. So a professional email marketer always maintains the rules accurately when they write an email.

Sticks to The Point

Sticking to the point is also a sign of professionalism. It indicates your brand value and your brand ethic. A professional email always has relevance.

Full of Information

A professional email must be very informative. It holds bullet points, sufficient materials or a numbered list supporting your reason. And also it never gets too long. Thus it gets more attention from the readers.

Closing Statement

A professional digital marketer always sends his/her customers with a nice closing. And your email starting part also should be lucrative. This process maintains the proper professionalism between the customers and the owner.

It Includes Always a Signature

Providing a signature inside the emails is also a good approach. And this is also perfectly maintained by a professional digital marketer. S/he always uses a signature at the end of the email body. For this reason, people easily recognize and open the email.

These are the basics of a professional email. So if you still don’t know how to write an email or how should a professional email looks like then you should follow the above points.

10+ Tips for Writing Catchy Emails to The Subscribers

how to write an email
Effective ways of writing an email

If you want more return on your investment, you have to learn how to write an email that will be appreciated like, opened, read, re-read, and replied to – Campaign Monitor

As a marketer, you must know how to handle customers professionally. And through the email, you can do it easily. But a single mistake can be very harmful to your business and brand reputation as well as.

That means, if you mistakenly send something unusual or irrelevant email to the customers, then surely they will not open the emails. So there is a high chance to lose potential customers which will be very hard to get back.

For instance, as a novice marketer, you must know the proper way of writing a professional email. And also what you should maintain before hitting on the ‘Send Mail’ button.

In this section, we’ll share some effective tips and tricks which are highly maintained by professional email marketers all around the world.

Okay, let’s see what are they:

Related Article: Top reason why emails goest to spam or being ignored by the customers

Do Your Research

Email Marketing Strategy
Image Courtesy Google

Doing the right research before any plan is a must. And email marketing is also not different. So you have to study and research your customer base very carefully. To reach potential customers and get the best ROI, there is nothing optional to make a proper research.

So all you have to do is, make a research, do homework on your customer persona, and then execute it during sending emails.

Focus on Your Subject Line

Do you know that maximum emails don’t get opened only for using an inappropriate or boring subject line? What you’ll do, if you received an unusual email? Surely you’ll escape or ignore it.

So if you’re ready to send emails to your customers, then never include boring, promotional or self-serving subject lines.

Here is the example of the well-organized subject line. Using this kind of subject line you can increase your email opens rate.

Subject line
Image Courtesy Google

Keep a Preview Text

Always check the email after finishing it. To check its overview, click on the preview button. This will give you an idea of is your email ready or not. So it’s a good practice and also you can improve it.

How to keep a preview text

Preheader Text: The What, Why, and How to Use It

Write Short But Informative

You may want to share everything with your readers. But maybe they don’t want to read the whole text. Then what should you do? It’s very simple. Keep your sentence as short as possible. And focus on the power words, make it simple and always summerise it.

Provide Something that Really Matters

If you’ve perfectly done your research then it would be very easy to separate the customer list. Therefore, you can easily send them emails according to the list. Then you can provide valuable content through the email.

Keep Your First Sentence Engaging

After the subject line, the first sentence of the email is the most eye-catchy for the customer. We all know that ‘First Impression is the last impression’. Most of the readers don’t spend a long time reading. They prefer two or three seconds after opening an email.

So you should choose some engaging words at the start of your text. As result readers will automatically read your email.

Be Specific

Try to be specific and explain accurately what you’re trying to say. Doing this on a regular basis, your customers will easily understand and get more interest. And surely they’ll reply to your email.

Highlight The Most Important Part

Email Marketing

Try to highlight or bold the important part of your email text. This increases more visibility towards readers. If they want to skip the content, then it’ll be easier for them to summerise the content.

Use Native English (Depend On your customer location)

Email Marketing Strategy
Image Courtesy Pinterest

If you’re sending emails to your customers, then it’s very important to check the grammar before you send it. Use native English for location-based customers. For example, you should use American English if your customers from there and also do the same thing for your English customers.

This will make your customers special and happy. As a result, they will respond to you.

Use a Professional Email Address

As a professional marketer, you have to maintain professionalism. And using a professional email is also a vital part. It increases your personal value. And your customer keeps trust and faith in you through your webmail or professional email address. (Ex: [email protected])

Use the word ‘You’

Using ‘You’ makes emails more personal. Additionally, it indicates you’re talking to your customers directly. It also shows that You’re guiding them for the further approach. So the whole process creates an authentic feeling for the customers.

Add a Signature

Write an email
Image Courtesy Google

‘Signature’ of yourself or your brand creates more opportunities. For example, you can insert your social profile links, the company’s designation, and your photo also. Thus it looks more interesting and fruitful.

Follow Up

email creator
Image Courtesy Google

And last, you have to follow up on your customers on a regular basis. But you have to be careful so that they don’t feel disturbed. They may busy or don’t like to reply at that time.

So keep patience, make the schedule and wait for the right time. And don’t stop following them.

Finally, these are the crucial things that you should always remember. And Your emails should contain these things. Otherwise, you can’t get the best output.

Bonus: Things You Should Avoid in Your Email Write Up

Email Marketing Strategy
Mistakes You Must Avoid

In this part, we’re going to know some silly mistakes that every email marketer or digital marketer does. As a result, they fail to keep the consistency and also lose potential customers. Without knowing the right way of how to write an email, many marketers often don’t even know how should be the approach.

Anyways, let’s know what are the common mistakes that you should aware of:

  • Confusing readers with mix information
  • To order something
  • Using ‘Emojis’ more than usual
  • Mixing uppercase and lowercase letters
  • Being overly casual
  • Informal conversation
  • Placing irrelevant links
  • Compromising being unprofessional
  • Using multiple languages

So these are common mistakes and you must avoid these when you’re writing an email to your customer. These mistakes are enough to create a barrier to your progress.

Wrapping Up

An impressive email not only engages customers but also gets positive attention. A professional email will execute everyday work tasks easier for your brand. Just imagine yourself as a reader, then think about what kinds of email do you expect to get? Obviously, you expect to receive such an email that makes sense and has a connection with you. Right? So, send people the emails you like to receive.