It’s November again and it’s a great time for marketers and businesses. The Black Friday Cyber Monday weekend is all set to bring in the good news. Compared to any other occasion, people tend to spend more on this shopping mayhem. 

One of the best ways to gear up your sales numbers now is by leveraging email marketing. So you shouldn’t be late to reshape the email campaign strategy for BFCM sales. Hence, if you already have a plan, don’t fall behind to recheck if it really stands out amongst the best practitioners across the industries. Remember one thing, people are going to have their inboxes flooded with other emails. Your game is to outrun them. 

So, in this blog, you will find some of the industry’s best Black Friday Cyber Monday email templates to get inspiration. Besides that, we will be showing you a handful of proven tips to plan and execute a successful BFCM email marketing strategy. Stay afloat. 

BFCM Sales Over the Years & Email Marketing

email marketing and bfcm sales

Why do people shop more in BFCM? The most reasonable answer is the big discounts and free shipping. Almost all the people and businesses waiting for this particular weekend either to sell more or buy more. Here’s what the data is telling us –

factors influencing buyers decisions

According to FinanceOnline, the top reasons that motivated Black Friday Sales are – Free shipping (49%), Promotional offers (36%), easy-to-use websites (21%), buy-online-pick-in-store (20%), etc. On a particular note, 31% of customers love to shop from brick-and-mortar stores on Black Friday to celebrate the day.

Here are some more interesting Black Friday sales stats you can look for –

  • In 2019 Black Friday, 93 million buyers shopped online.
  • More than 30% of retail shops take place on Black Friday until Christmas.
  • The U.S. adults are planning on an average of $400 for Black Friday shopping.

For Cyber Monday (which comes just after Black Friday) people used to end their happy and busy weekend on a high note. It leads to even more shopping, and numbers are on your side.

BFCM Stats from Statista

From 2018 to 2020, the total online Cyber Monday sales increased by about 40%. This is huge in any sense, and evidently, the growth could be higher if we’ve not suffered the Covid-19 outbreak.

As a result, BFCM weekend remains the most important time for any business. Hence, marketers utilize email marketing to reach people’s inboxes before the sale begins. Using the exact BFCM email templates, you can warm up subscribers and customers and guide them to the easiest way to shop from your store.

5 Black Friday Cyber Monday Email Templates to Boost BFCM Sales

Email marketing plays a big role in overall BFCM sales. Apart from being the most successful marketing channel, email has immense power to work on a personal level. Even you can increase your sales from the Black Friday Cyber Monday email campaigns by sending them only to your regular customer base. Hence, the possibilities of new conversions have no boundaries too.

Well, in this section, we have compiled a handful of such robust and successful Black Friday Cyber Monday email templates. They can surely help to design yours, of course, by following your subscribers and consumer types. Let’s analyze them one by one.

1. WPERP’s Cyber Monday Email Template Popped Out Of Culture

WPERP's Cyber Monday Email Template

WPERP, the WordPress-based ERP platform was successful with its pop culture-influenced Cyber Monday email campaign back in 2020. The story behind this beautiful email template was evocative.

Covid-19 was spreading and a pandemic was upon our shoulders. While brainstorming for the BFCM email template, the marketing team suddenly felt that they would have jumped back to a time when there was no Covid-19 if possible! So, some of them started thinking about Robert Zemeckis’s film Back to the Future. And that’s how they got this idea. The theme was intended to give people a feeling of a good time and celebrate hope.

Then the email copy and the offer worked all the way. After the design, you must pitch your offer, and compose the email copy with the right length and impact.

As for CTA, this BFCM email template has used two CTA’s. The first one provokes the audience to get started with WPERP, the second one is designed to make sure that you take an action.

2. Black Friday Celebration Template from Dokan Multivendor

Black Friday Celebration Template from Dokan Multivendor

Dokan is a multivendor marketplace builder from weDevs. It’s one of the most popular WooCommerce multivendor in the world, and weDevs did launch Dokan mobile app back in 2020. They sent the above email on the last year’s Black Friday.

If you want to dissect it, the image part mainly has four sections. They are –

a. Header that emphasizes the Black Friday Campaign

b. Pitching the offer

c. Types and terms of the offer with a smart copy

d. CTA (Call to Action) button

Well, the text part has three sections –

a. Email copy that explains the offer and terms

b. Another CTA

c. Include other Black Friday offers from other weDevs product

As images capture our attention faster than text, the first part of the email is all for the first impression. For those who are still not convinced, and want to know more, the second part would suffice.

The double CTA is meant for real business. As CTA’s can improve click-through rates by up to 127%. Therefore, Hubspot explained double or a secondary CTAs in the email are good for reconversions, progressing leads for the next stages, and supporting additional business goals.

3. The Simple But Guiding BFCM Email from Herschel

Guiding BFCM Email from Herschel

Herschel Supply is a daily-life product brand based in the USA. Two things made this email an example of a great black Friday cyber Monday email template. One, its simplistic design perfectly aligned with the website theme. Two, the email copies and placements.

Specially designed for their regular customer, this type of email can easily snatch the attention of even first-time subscribers.

At the beginning of the email, Herschel elaborated on their goal in large font with the usual black-and-white theme. Secondly, they tell the audience that the site is offering several discounts based on the number of orders. Then the email focuses on some specific offers in which the brand gives the best discounts.

The math is pretty simple here. Herchel also put multiple CTA. If you look closely, you can see each time they pitch an offer, they have used a CTA. And they always keep the customer active to make a decision.

4. AppSumos Fantabulous Black-Friday Fund

AppSumos Fantabulous Black-Friday Fund

This is another example of a BFCM email template that is designed for a slightly different purpose. AppSumo was offering funds to startups or companies to become their Black Friday partners and join their Black Friday Campaigns. This email is well-designed and focused on that goal. Let’s break down the thing a bit –

The email has four essential sections. One, The announcement. Two, the details of the announcement. Three, the step-by-step process of participation. Four, the types of digital products you can feature on AppSumo. Besides that, the ending part uses the customer testimonials in the email technique. This even improves the user experience and trust.

All parts have a CTA button, they have different CTA copies. Hence, the fun part here is that: all those CTAs have the same goal to achieve.

5. Postable’s Cyber Monday Super Sale

Postable's Cyber Monday Super Sale

Combining the most effective email copy and image, you can get winning results from your Black Friday Cyber Monday email campaign. Postable did nothing more than that with the above campaign. They have offered a special code and 25% discounts following the occasion. It worked big time because of its simplicity and direct approach.

The image is also focused on the sole goal and that is increasing “Sales.” Before closing up, they also mentioned the types and terms of the offer. So, this BFCM email template has its own particular strength to be a great example to inspire any other simplistic campaign design.

Grab the Best WordPress Black Friday and Cyber Monday Deals 2022

Essential Tips to Increase Your eCommerce BFCM Sales

Essential Tips to Increase Your bfcm sales

Tips could be different with different email marketing campaigns. Though there are certain aspects that are applicable to any kind. BFCM email marketing also needs some common techniques while it demands some specific treatment than others.

At weMail and weDevs, we send a lot of marketing and promotional emails throughout the year. And, our yearly conversion and retention rate always get winning numbers during each BFCM weekend. So our expert behind these email campaigns sorted out a handful of essential tips that can be helpful to plan and executing your own.

#Tips 1 – Target Your Existing Customer First

Retention should be your top priority rather than getting new customers. The sad fact is 44% of businesses focus on customer acquisition, while only 18% focus on customer retention. But the possibility of selling to an existing customer is 60% to 70%. On the other hand, the possibility of selling to a new customer is only 5% to 20%.

So, you must focus on your existing customer while creating your Black Friday Cyber Monday email list. It can be your primary goal.

#Tips 2 – Make a Unique Brand Voice Amongst Competitors

Active Campaign found that almost 117 million emails has been sent on BFCM occasions last year. And the number would be higher this year. Though the success of email marketing is unquestionable as 20% of online visits come from BFCM emails.

What you need is to make your brand voice unique to stand atop. You need to make your offer distinguishable, and design your campaigns with the most converting design possible. And follow the best practices to reach the goal.

#Tips 3 – Make the Shopping Process Easy

The more you reduce the hassle during the shopping process, the more you can make sales. People love in-app shipping nowadays. You can inspire people to connect with your mobile app in your BFCM emails. Also, you can implement easy add-to-cart and payment options and let the user know it, or even you can show them the simple process through emails.

Adding a CTA to your shopping guide is a good option. Or you can add a video to your warm-up newsletters before the final Black Friday Cyber Monday email goes live.

#Tips 4 – Considering Shipping Fess Before Plan Your BFCM Deals

We have already seen this, free shipping is one of the core reasons (49%) for huge BFCM sales. However, this year the game would be difficult. The post covid world is seeing an unusual hike in shipping costs either in the local or global market. So you must consider the ever-increasing shipping fees before planning your BFCM email marketing campaign. However, if you are in the software business, shipping costs wouldn’t be a trouble for you.

#Tips 5 – Follow the Email Marketing Best Practices

When you know which best practices can make your email marketing tick, you never risk them. Email marketing industry knowledge and niche knowledge complement each other. You should research the best ways that make your emails get higher open rates, click-through rates, and conversions.

Some of the common best practices are –

  • Set a goal for your Black Friday Cyber Monday email marketing campaign
  • Plan an actionable strategy, and break down the course of action
  • Make a list of active and interested leads
  • Write the best email subject lines and preheaders
  • Write down your offer and terms following the email copywriting best practices
  • Use or customize the best BFCM email templates
  • Automate your whole process

Get weMail to Automate Your BFCM Email Marketing Process

Get weMail to Automate Your BFCM Email Marketing Process

Automation is a key to modern marketing. As for email marketing, a tool like weMail can bring you all the necessary features and advantages you need to make your BFCM campaign successful. weMail is a WordPress email marketing software that can be also available as SaaS. Here are some robust weMail features you should look for now –

  • A lot of email-sending getaways
  • Multiple list segmentation option
  • A lot of WordPress integration
  • Template library and easy customization
  • Multiple payment gateways
  • One of the best affordable bulk email sender

weMail comes for free, and the free plan is good enough for any SME. And the premium plan has all the options to take your game even to a higher level.

Closing Up for Black Friday Cyber Monday Email Marketing

Competition is always over our shoulders, and the world has no stopping from that. But when you know all the way down to the success roadmap, your chances are higher than your competitors. We believe now you can get along with a robust plan, and supercharge your BFCM sales with the most converting BFCM email templates possible.