The one inevitable thing about trends is that: they change. A big trend in a specific year could be irrelevant in the next. As we are talking about email marketing, is it the same here too?

The best way to put it is – email marketing trends are evolving rather than changing.

So which email marketing trends are going to rule 2024? In this article, we will show you in-details, with proper examples.

Keep reading.

Table of Contents

What is Going on with Email Marketing Right now?

Top Email Marketing Trends You Should Look for 2024

Bonus: Some Overlooked But Crucial Email Marketing Trends

What is Going on with Email Marketing Right now?

What is Going on with Email Marketing Right now

Even in this age of massive changes, where new technologies racing each other, and AI (Artificial Intelligence) is in the hot talk, evolving at a high rate – email marketing, still, remains a powerful tool, and it keeps an ever-stable position.

According to Campaign Monitor, email marketing is the second-best marketing opportunity for small businesses. In regard to revenue, email marketing is expected to generate an estimated $18 billion by 2027. By 2025, 376 billion emails will be sent daily. (Statista).

So, as a small business owner, or marketer, it’s your time to revamp your email marketing strategy. To do this, you must understand what’s going on and what’s going to happen with this marketing channel throughout the year.

Top Email Marketing Trends You Should Look for 2024

If you want to stay competitive with email marketing, take note of 2024 email trends. Considering these trends will give you a leg up on your competition.

1. Hyper-Personalization is Going to be More Crucial

The idea of personalization evolved a lot over time. It’s not that simple anymore, and the term ‘hyper-personalization’ is going to be more prevalent in email marketing this year.

What is hyper-personalization? It is thinking beyond addressing users by their names. For a long time, only, ‘Hi Martry’ or ‘Welcome John’ would be enough to mark a personalized email conversation. But, now it has become a cliche, and it isn’t gonna work anymore.

You need to understand a user’s journey toward your product, and their intentions, and analyze behaviors. Then you can personalize your newsletter campaigns following the gathered user data like – name, gender, location, weather, economy, etc.

According to SmartHQ, 72% of consumers love to interact with emails that are personalized. Besides that, 80% of people love to buy from a brand that offers a hyper-personalized or tailored user experience.

One of the best help you can get to follow hyper-personalization is this: requesting only the exact information while signing up, sending emails to participate in surveys with incentives in return, etc. It will also inspire people to cooperate in sharing data.

2. Open Rates Gonna Lose Its Place to Other Email Metrics

Open Rates Gonna Lose Its Place to Other Email Metrics

Well, it’s a reality in 2024 that, open rates aren’t as crucial as they were before. It was, indeed an all-in-all metric for assuming the success of an email marketing campaign.

But things have changed drastically since privacy features like mask IP activity, for example, MPP (Apple’s mail server protection) launched. This new privacy feature makes open rates unreliable for many reasons.

Suppose, you are an Apple user and opt-in to MPP. It will allow Apple to pre-fetch your emails and images to your devices. It will happen whether you decide to open or read an email or not. Once an email reaches in your mailbox, it will be downloaded by MPP if enabled. So, for every email you get, all of them going to be marked as open.

So there’s practically no way to depend on the open rate because it will be a hundred percent without the user even knowing it. Sadly, this privacy setting is on the rise, and email marketers need to consider other email metrics seriously.

However, there are many ways you can track your email marketing success. Some of the creative ways are – using surveys to inspire more click rates, encouraging people to reply, and analyzing the user activity or following an attribution model before sending an email campaign should be good ideas.

3. AI Going to Empower Email Marketing Tools and Features

AI Going to Empower Email Marketing Tools and Features

AI (Artificial Intelligence) is evolving so fast that is hard to comprehend where it is going and how far it’s possible to go. If you were talking about ChatGPT a few months ago, now you need to think about how magnificent is GPT4 considering the earlier version.

According to a report by Allied Market Research, the global AI market is expected to hit a CAGR (Compound Annual Growth Rate) of 40% from 2020 to 2027. Following this estimation, it’s going to reach 733 billion by 2027.

So, there’s no wonder AI going to catch every sector of technology more or less. If you can understand how the current situation is going, you can also get hints about the future. Like every other sector, AI is going to empower email marketing tools and features like never before.

From segmentation to personalization, content optimization, and predictive Analytics – most email marketing tools going to implement artificial intelligence. With this implementation, you can write better subject lines, send a more accurate trigger-based email campaign, improve decision-making, sort out the best timing to send email campaigns, etc.

4. Interactive Emails Are on the Rise

Interactive emails are familiar things to email marketers. In 2024, it’s going to be one of the most popular email marketing trends. As we’ve already talked about hyper-personalization, interactive emails only empower it with more effectiveness to build enduring relationships with customers.

Well, you know what is an interactive email. It’s a kind of email that uses some way to engage its reader with some activities besides clicking on a CTA or a link.

For example, an interactive email does include a quiz, rollover effects to explore some selected products, accordion features, or surveys. Also, adding a video in emails would be a clever way to put it.

interactive email with a video in email

For 2024 and beyond, your email should provide more besides your sales pitch or offers. You must add something extra to attract the organic engagement of a subscriber. According to Martech Advisor, interactive emails can increase your click-to-open rate by up to 73%. While adding video content can boost your email click rates by up to 300%.

5. Reshaping Your Email Design

Like all the other aspects of email marketing, you must rethink your email design. Marketers often focus more on email content and less on design. Eventually, the impact becomes considerable.

Providing dynamic UX through email design is time-consuming and once a pattern works, it stays for a long time. But this shouldn’t be the case now. You need to keep moving and reshape your email design by following the latest email marketing trends.

Take a look at some of the popular email design patterns to get inspiration –

Use of real images: Using photographs with collages and illustrations is a popular trend right now. Its popularity is rising because images are interactive and they can tell a story in a unique way.

Maintain a Standard White Space: Maintaining active and passive white space in email design is crucial. It helps the user scan, break down, and grasp email content in a faster way.

design-trends in email marketing

Wave and Geometric Shape: Wave is a user-friendly way to break the usual grid in email templates. This pattern helps users follow email content. This is the same when you use a geometric shape like the following email design.

Dark Mode: Since Apple introduced ‘Dark Mode’ back in 2018, it enjoyed an on-and-off popularity. In 2024, Dark Mode going to get reinstated popularity in email design.

Minimalism is in best practices: People gonna love to get clean, clutter-free, and eye-soothing emails. Also, you need to ‘focus’ on your subject matter too.

6. Privacy and data protection

To send a hyper-personalized email campaign, you need more personalized user information. For example, information like geolocation and user preferences. The good news is, that 73% of people willingly share these data with a brand (Litmus). That also increases the liability of the brands, and how much you care for data privacy and protection.

So, as an email marketer, you need to live with the data privacy rules and regulations like GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) or CCPA (California Consumer Privacy Act). Also, you are already aware of Apple’s MPP (Mail Privacy Protection) where Google gonna withdraw the support for third-party cookies in the second half of 2024.

So, to keep up with the data privacy changes, you need to be careful and able to analyze the situation to make the right decisions for your subscribers while sending emails.

7. Email Marketing Automation is a Must-have

Machine learning and AI are on the rise nowadays. So, email marketing automation is going to evolve like never before. It will gain more usability and popularity from now on.

Let’s see what the data is telling us – Businesses that use automation to nurture leads, can generate an unprecedented 451% increase in qualified leads (EmailMonday). 81% of marketers believe Automation helps their marketing campaign efficiency (Hubspot).

Therefore, it is quite impossible to send trigger-based email campaigns and transactional emails without automation.

For example, if you are using weMail automation, you can send strategic and trigger-based emails based on specific user actions in no time.

Bonus: Some Overlooked But Crucial Email Marketing Trends

Some Overlooked But Crucial Email Marketing Trends

It’s always hard to predict which trends going to be major, and which ones gonna overshadowed by the newest trends. Therefore, you can see some email marketing trends that look small and often overlooked. However, you can’t ignore them because they could potentially play a bigger role in your email marketing, branding, and user interaction.

We’re going to mention some of them –

8. Incorporating BIMI into Email Marketing

BIMI (Brand Indicators for Message Identification) is a way you can show your brand logo in the Mailbox even before someone opens your email. It is developed by the Authindicators Working Group and helps your brand to build trust.

When users see your brand logo before opening your email –

  • It will simply increase your authenticity and visual verification
  • Increase your email deliverability
  • Keep your brand safe from phishing attempts

As data privacy is a serious concern, it also implies steps like BIMI are going to be used by many email marketers.

9. Partnership in Growing Subscribers with Shared Values

The partnership remains a stable way to bring growth to any business. Experts are saying, the partnership is going to be a powerful email marketing trend from now on. But how it’s going to work?

The process is simple. You need to find a like-minded newsletter provider or influencers and reach an agreement to promote each other’s products. However, you need to look for some standpoints before going for a partnership. They are –

  • A product that is complementary to yours. For example, you have a bakery that sells cakes. You can make a partnership with a delivery brand.
  • Find the right influencer. Suppose you are selling organic tea. You can contact a lifestyle influencer to make a partnership.

Keep in mind, that you need to make sure your partner has a stable email list and sends email newsletters regularly. Only then you both can share your email list or feature each other’s product mutually.

Closing Up for Email Marketing Trends 2024

If you look for the best email marketing trends, you will find all the major ones in the above discussions. We can assure you, this will keep you active and updated. Help you make the right decision. But there is more to it.

Trends are evolving. So, our suggestion is to keep your eyes open and never stop to take part in the change. Email marketing is still one of the best marketing channels regarding ROI and user engagement, following the newest trend only makes you stronger.