Content is not the King unless your customers are satisfied with your approach. In this regard, Michele Linn, Podcaster at Break Out Pod, expressed that-

Content marketing is about your audience. What do they care about?

Therefore, it’s quite understandable that your content marketing strategies will work fast if you can take care of your customers & value their intentions.

You can create an effective content plan which could satisfy both search engines & users. And cover any topic in an easy manner so that audiences from all end, can peruse your thought & grasp what you’re telling.

Anyways, in today’s write-up, we will walk you through 5 simple ways of creating a fruitful content marketing plan. Surely, they will help you grow your business without wasting time and money.

How Content Marketing Work Through Your Business

Content Marketing Strategies

In simple words – Content marketing is a wing of digital marketing that focuses on creating & sharing helpful content such as blog posts, videos, tutorials, or anything else that adds values to acquire new customers.

Well, let’s see what Content Marketing Institute put it –

A marketing technique of creating & distributing valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract and acquire a clearly defined audience. Its main objective is to drive profitable customer actions.

So it means, only creating content (blog posts, videos, or tutorials) and randomly publishing them isn’t the only job here. Rather you should make sure that your content is relatively adding values, maintaining consistency, and giving visitors a reason to become your loyal customers.

A report from Content Marketing Institue showed that more than 55% of B2B marketers utilize content marketing as a vital weapon to gain success in business.

So you can assume why content marketing is so popular. But for your convenience, let’s shortly look at why actually people should need content marketing in this digital age.

  • To build awareness among the customers
  • Helps customer to easily research and find their desired things (products, service) online
  • After researching the product or service, customers can consider comparing with other similar products to justify whether it’s fair enough or not
  • Finally, the customer could easily make their decision & move forward to purchase the product

So, as a content marketer, you should work in every part of a content marketing funnel. Thus it leads you to maintain an impeccable engagement with your potential customers.

Also read: 👉Grow eCommerce Business Using Smart Content Marketing Strategy

Top Content Marketing Strategies with Examples

Consistency in implementing best practices is the ticket to long-term success in content marketing

Neil Patel

We all know that content marketing is a dynamic process to grow an online business quickly. But only if you could maintain consistency, accuracy, and know what you’re doing or planning, then you can get what you’re expecting for.

So, here are the top content marketing strategies that you should follow and apply consistently.

Step 1. Concentrate on Personalization

Step 2. Segment Audience to Provide More Relevant Content

Step 3. Know Your Customers & Focus on What They Want

Step 4. Run A/B Test to Compare the Result

Step 5. Produce Good Content & Market it Properly

Let’s get into them one by one.

Step 1. Concentrate on Personalization

The first & foremost tip is to utilize personalized marketing to making your content marketing strategy a more powerful and effective one. However, this marketing strategy is also well-recognized as one-to-one marketing.

Through this marketing strategy, you can easily provide more relevant content to your audiences, utilizing their data & information, which could be the best way to reach more closer to your customers.

Personalized marketing is a crucial way of connecting with customers on a fundamental level


So here is how you can follow the tips below so that you can implement a personalized marketing strategy on your content strategy:-

  • You can utilize targeted emails
  • Send custom video messages
  • Provide product recommendations
  • Take the help from your social media channels
  • Use FOMO on your website

Well, to clarify this, let’s check out an example by Coke.

Actually, what have they done that made them so popular? They selected the top 150 popular names in Australia & included their names side of the bottles.

People usually tend to buy a coke with their names on the bottle. Hence, that kind of personal reach is the crux of content marketing. Another way we can call it, emotional marketing.

Image Source- Marketingland

So, whenever you opt for creating content for your blog, you better think like that. You should try to connect readers or viewers through your work. You get to show them how your content is designed only to help them. Just keep that in mind, and you will find better ways.

Step 2. Segment Audience to Provide More Relevant Content

Email Segmentation Strategies

Instead of a ‘one-size-fits-all’ approach, successful segmentation sorts out customer data into groups that help to drive dynamic content and personalization tactics for timelier, relevant, and more effective marketing communications.

Anthony Botibol, CMO of Bluevenn

So segmenting customers according to their activities is also a vital part of content marketing strategies. Because it will let you know which customers are interacting, who are active or not. And this way you can easily analyze their data and helps to prepare your content plan.

The following example of customer data segmentation can help you to understand the whole process easily.

That means you can’t provide the same content throughout your all audiences. For blog posts or website purposes, it seems to be a daunting task. For instance, you can utilize personalized email to accomplish that task.

And a recent report from HubSpot shows that 39% of email marketers who segment their email lists see better open rates. So this will create a great chance to increase the email open rate and let your segmented users visit your blog or website.

Step 3. Know Your Customers & Focus on What They Want

Get closer than ever to your customers. So close that you tell them what they need well before they realize it themselves

Steve Jobs

Yes, that’s really true. Especially for a profitable content marketing strategy, it’s important to know the customer attributes for creating the right content to reach them. And the marketing term of knowing the customer is also known as ‘KYC‘ which means Know Your Customers.

Here are the three major points that cover almost everything about ‘KYC‘. And these points will help you to get closer to your customers.

Collect Demographic Data

The first step to gather the demographics of your website visitors, subscribers, and social followers. In this case, you can take help from the web, social media, and email subscriber analytics to get the data.

And consider customer feedback

To know more regarding your target audience, try to collect feedback from them. Such as

  • How they feel about the content you’re currently providing
  • Are you giving the exact thing that they are looking
  • How you can improve or add more value to your content
  • How you can address their problems with your content, etc.

Create a buyer persona

So now you have customer demographic data & their feedback, therefore it will be easier for you to create buyer personas. And according to that, you can reach your customers by providing better content.

To provide how KYC works, let’s see the example by Duolingo. They gently send a reminder to the user. Because they know their user very well. And also they provided a short tagline under the title, which means they know their users didn’t complete the session. And that’s why they send this reminder.

Step 4. Run A/B Test to Compare the Result

email testing

Running an A/B test without thinking of statistical confidence is worse than not a test at all

Peep Laja, Marketing Architect, Markitekt

So that means you must have a core intention before running an A/B test. But you can’t test all the strategies at a time. Rather you can select the important part and then run your A/B testing one by one.

After that, you can display the two variations of your purpose (blog design, content type, banner, newsletter, etc) and lastly, you can easily figure out which one performs well and increases conversions from your customers.

This way you can able to see the magical improvement on your website that helps you to:-

Well, let’s take an example by WorkZone, a US-based software company. To build a brand reputation, they had used a customer review section beside the demo request form on the lead generation page. 

Soon after they noticed that customer testimonial logos were dimming the form and puzzling visitors to fill it. So they determined to replace customer testimonial logos, from their official color to black & white, and observe whether the change would make some difference or not.

So after running the test for 22 days, they found that the little implementation brought a huge change on their form submission page and increased their leads by 34%.

That’s pretty amazing, right?

Step 5. Produce Good Content & Market it Properly

market your content

Marketing is no longer about the stuff you make, but about the stories, you tell

Seth Godin

That’s true because you’re not selling products through your content, rather you’re telling the stories behind your brand, and motivating your readers to get interacted with your products. And that’s the ideal way to reach potential customers organically. In fact, a good piece of content is always accepted by the readers, so it does by search engines also.

Therefore, well-explained content can attract both readers and search engines to rank well in the search result. At the same time, you should also market your content in a proper place to spread your brand message to the mass audiences.

In this regard, the Demand Metric reported that –

70% of people would rather get information about a company or learn something from an article or blog post rather than from a traditional advertisement.

So, we can understand that only producing good content is not enough to stay alive in the competition. Rather you should continuously market it accurately to get the right amount of exposure from your visitors.

Well, before creating any content and publishing them on your website, do make sure you’re following the points below:-

marketing technique

Best Content Marketing Tools to Gear Up Your Business

Well, if you’re manually trying to apply all the content strategies, then we will say you’re running under the rock. Because you’ll have to spend a lot of time & effort to bring the best results for your business.

So practicing the above strategies and using some handy content marketing tools could make an impact on your plan and help you to accomplish your goals easily.

Okay, let’s check out shortly some of the best content marketing tools and their features at a glance:-

Content Marketing Tools
  • weMail:- It’s an email sending API that helps to send awesome emails, grow subscriber lists & promote products all within the WordPress dashboard
  • HubSpot:- HubSpot is a complete inbound marketing, sales, and CRM suite that gives the content marketer to create content for generating sales & driving leads
  • Content Tools:- It’s an effective content marketing platform to create, publish, and analyze content for marketing purposes
  • Google Analytics:- Google Analytics allows you to measure your advertising ROI as well as track your content growth, video result, social networking sites, and web pages
  • Co-Schedule:- CoSchedule is a perfect tool that lets you create, schedule, and publish your content on your social platforms. It also gives you an indication which time is much preferable for you to share the content
  • WP ERP CRM:- This CRM tool will give you an extensive system to track customer information & their interactions in a single dashboard. It also offers real-time customer data that helps you to create critical reports and sales reports to optimize the sales process
  • Hootsuite:- Hootsuite is a social relationship tool that supports marketers to use their social platforms for regulating marketing campaigns
  • WP Project Manager:- WP Project Manager is a simple yet powerful open-source Project Management tool to manage work and deliver projects timely and many more.
  • BuzzSumo:- BuzzSumo is a content curation and social media analysis tool for content marketers. The tool provides you with insights on the key influencers in your industry that can help you grow your business and connects you with them.
  • Yoast SEO:- Last but least, Yoast SEO is a perfect tool for optimizing websites for SEO & ready for search engine friendly. It also analyzes websites to figure out the issues that could affect SEO & hamper a website

Also Read: Essential Content Marketing Tools For Content Marketing

Final Verdict

Content marketing is always an ever-changing process because the way we communicate online is always evolving. So if you want to build a profitable content marketing strategy for your business, then all you have to do is adopt the latest marketing trends & practice them gradually. And the above strategies will help you to do that easily.

Remember, the customer doesn’t care about you and your good plans. They care about their challenges

Neil Patel

So that’s all for today, we have come to the end of this post. We believe this blog will help you to reinvent your content marketing strategy and grow your business eventually.

Well, are you ready to use a smart email marketing solution to support your content marketing strategy?