5 Simple Tips To Reinvent Your Digital Marketing Strategies

Modern days businesses always require innovative marketing techniques & strategies to stay in front of the competitors. The reason is the growing number of internet users day by day. And the number is almost 4.66 billion – which is more than 59.5% of the global population.

Therefore, it will be a bit challenging task for a small business owner to stand impressive amongst these huge audiences & persuade them to become potential customers. For instance, adopting the latest digital marketing strategies with some unique techniques could be your ultimate solution to get rid of this heck.

Well, you may have already some kind of strategies in your pipeline. But you have to think deeply if they are suitable for your business or not. And if not, what should you include or exclude to reshape your strategies to get better outcomes producing expected results at the end of the day? And this is where the term comes to play the role – rethinking or reinventing digital marketing strategies.

Whether you’re an individual, entrepreneur, or brand, the need of the hour is to reassess, rethink and reinvent your approach

Simonetta Lein, Millennial Entrepreneur, Fashion Influencer, Activist

But before we dive into the discussion, let’s briefly discuss what are the basic differences between traditional marketing and digital marketing strategies.

Traditional Marketing and Reinventing Digital Marketing Strategies

Digital marketing strategies

As digital platforms are changing their algorithms day by day, you as a digital marketer should be always ready for those digital marketing changes. Therefore, it will be easier to grasp those changes and prepare a suitable business plan quickly.

However, to understand the difference between traditional and modern-day marketing, you need to understand what reinventing is in marketing terminology.

Why Reinventing Matters in Digital Marketing?

In simple words, reinventing means applying some techniques when your existing plans are not working properly. So in digital marketing terminology, if your current marketing plans are not going according to your expectations, then reinventing the existing ideas can help your business reach more audiences & stand out from the competition. 

If your marketing has been shared, liked, and had plenty of positive comments, you know you’re doing something right


Let’s check out the comparison table of traditional marketing vs digital marketing strategies below:-

NoTraditional Marketing StrategiesDigital Marketing Strategies
1On the other hand, traditional marketing includes traditional platforms, like billboards & printed media. Digital marketing is using digital channels such as websites or social media as tools for marketing purposes.
2Traditional marketing uses traditional media like magazines and newspapers.Digital marketing uses digital media, such as social media or websites.
3Traditional marketing strategies let your audience have a hard copy of materials that they can read or browse over and over again.On the flip side, digital marketing strategies help your audience to choose how they want to get your content.
4Traditional marketing allows you to trigger big audiences.But in digital marketing, you can trigger audiences based on their demographics, such as gender, location, age, and interests. As a result, your campaign may have the chance to perform more effectively.
5For example, Telemarketing, etc.For example, paid campaigns, display ads, etc.
Comparison table of Traditional marketing vs Digital Marketing Strategies

Needful Reads: Digital Customer Experience Trends Marketers Need to Know in 2024

Top 5 Proven Tips That You Can Apply To Reshape Your Marketing Game

digital marketing tips

We all know that digital marketing always brings different scopes regardless of the size of the business. In fact, the available marketing resources & handy online marketing tools make the whole task easier for marketers to evaluate results and prepare the next marketing plans.

However, there is a long list of strategies that you can choose and work for it. But how do you determine when to improve your digital marketing strategy? Let’s find out below:-

  • Unable to achieve objectives
  • Spending too much money but the outcome is zero
  • If you’re following a common marketing strategy and your competitors are also using the same strategies
  • Not getting enough website traffic
  • Unable to engage the audience
  • Losing potential customers

So, if you could notice any of these issues on your strategies, then the time has come to reinvent or rethink your marketing strategies to uplift your business growth at a remarkable level.

Here are 5 proven tips to reinvent your marketing strategies –

01. Implement New Tactics on Your Content Marketing

Content Marketing Strategies

Content marketing is an important wing of digital marketing. But it doesn’t only mean blogs, articles, or just social media. It means more than that. Actually, content marketing is a long-term process that helps businesses to build strong connections with audiences.

Gaining exposure from customers isn’t easy at the initial stage. You and the content team that you work with should deliver what your audiences want. But before that, you need to choose which part of your content you should work on. And there are more than 105 types of content you can utilize.

Don’t worry! You don’t have to implement all these content types. Content marketing institute shared a B2B marketer’s content marketing usage. They focused on 8 major types of content. So you just need to find the right content mix that works particularly for your audience.

b2b content tactics
Image source: Content marketing institute

So if you could see your current content marketing strategies aren’t working properly, don’t worry! Keep patience, take a notepad, note down your previous mistakes and write down the upcoming plans.

Here are they:-

  • Try to focus on building a niche-based audience
  • Determine precise objectives for content marketing or setup KPI
  • Produce an effective content plan
  • Utilize content marketing tools to get more effective insights
  • Provide better content with top-notch information
  • Maintain consistency no matter what you provide
  • Evaluate results at the end of the month

Here is the example of how should an online brand practice content marketing strategies to get a better result.

How weDevs is Doing Content Marketing and Reshaping Strategy

02. Give More Focus on Growth Hacking

Digital marketing strateiges

Growth hacking is a set of tactics and best practices for dealing with user growth.

Mattan Griffel, Faculty Member at Columbia Business School

Besides all digital marketing terms, Growth hack or Growth marketing is becoming popular day by day. Also, it’s established as a significant part of modern days business tactics. Generally, Growth hacking means doing continuous experiments on the existing plans, collecting customers’ feedback, improve quality to reach a huge audience, and increase brand awareness.

Therefore, implementing growth hacking ideas in the right way could accelerate your existing marketing plans to develop your online presence fast.

Well, let’s take an example of Unsplash. It’s a free platform to share, download and upload images. Unsplash has an option called “Collections” under the (…) section. So what they did, they invite influencers to choose their preferred photos and create a collection.

Unsplash growth hack ideas

After that, Unsplash shares the collection on its website, sends a newsletter, and posts it on its social media platforms. In this way, influencers often share their collections with their followers. As a result, Unsplash gets free publicity with tons of user-generated content.

So give users a reason to share, promote and recommend your brand or product publicly. And this is how you can implement this idea and add it to your next marketing funnel. Focusing on growth hacking means you should always try to find out the fraction and test whether they work out or not.

Email Marketing Hacks in 2024 to Ensure Your Desired Growth

03. Carefully Work on Your Customer Persona

Buyer persona

There are two types of buyer personas that you can hear about – B2C & B2B. And for instance, you need to sure which type of businesses you’re currently running. If your business is B2C and selling products directly to a customer, then your buyer persona should include all the essential information of that individual customer – not for a businessman. For example, their background, lifestyle, challenges, likings, interests, etc.

Here is an example of Property Connect. They kept their buyer information like the below one. So whenever you see the buyer persona, you can easily get a clear idea about Rachael. His lifestyle, personal background, challenges or pain points, etc.

a buyer persona of a stay at home mother
Image source:- Alexa

So how can you get these information at your fingertips? Let’s check out below:-

  • Try to listen to your customer’s pain points, interact with them and gradually build long-lasting relationships
  • Create an online survey form, collect their opinions, markdown their issues, follow up them, and smartly push your intention
  • Experiment with different content to your different personas. Collect their reviews, suggestions and note down their points
  • Ask them through online forms and save data
  • After that, break down their list and segment their profile

So you can easily produce content, marketing, campaign, and development plans using these precise customer details. However, if you don’t know how to create a buyer persona, you can check out the post below:-

Needful Reads: How to Create an Effective Buyer Persona that Works

04. A/B Test, See The Result in your Email Marketing

ab test email marketing

To simply put it A/B testing means – comparing two things (campaigns, strategies, ideas, or anything that is easily measurable) side by side to make the best decision at the right time.

A/B testing (also known as split testing) is the process of comparing two versions of a web page, email, or other marketing asset and measuring the difference in performance. It also helps to figure out what words, phrases, images, videos, testimonials, and other elements work best. Even the simplest changes can impact conversion rates.


So you can now simply understand that how fruitful A/B testing is! Because it helps marketers to figure out the variations between the two tests and make the crucial marketing decision at the right time.

Let’s take an example that is shared by HubSpot. Basically, the test was taken on the CTA button. They created two separate pages with two CTA buttons – Green & Red.

So, which color would convert more people to click? Would it be Green or Red?

cta testing

And surprisingly, the red button outperformed the green button by 21%.

Therefore, such a minor change could bring the best result by getting people to click, increasing conversions number, traffic counts, and more. So A/B testing can be your perfect way to experiment with marketing tactics to find out which one works best and which one don’t.

Everything You Should Know About Email MarketingA/B Testing

05. Implement Post-Campaign Analysis To Make Better Marketing Decision

10+ Brilliant Email Marketing Campaign Examples

Post Campaign Analysis (PCA) means – Evaluating the success of the campaigns by breaking down each channel’s effectiveness. After that, create an actionable report for the next. This definition was Annie (Carolanne Mangles), digital marketing executive of Smart Insight.

However, you may be thinking about how PCA helps marketers to make data-driven marketing decisions. Right? Let’s check out below:-

  • It helps to know what components of the campaign performed well or not
  • Gives you an idea of how the target viewers responded to your campaign
  • Helps to review the ultimate effectiveness of the campaign versus its purposes
  • Defines how many people click on your ad & how your ad typically ranks versus other ads
  • Give helpful learnings for coming campaigns

So if your current plan doesn’t bring the expected results for your campaigns, then PCA models could do that easily for you. As you’re spending a lot of money on your marketing sector, so it’s necessary to reinvent marketing strategies to work fast and generate the expected ROI.

However, for your convenience, we’ll break down the PCA steps so that it will be easier for you to understand the whole procedure. Now let’s see the steps of implementing the Post Campaign Analysis (PCA) process below:-

  • Match your goals with the expected outcomes to check whether they meets them or not
  • Assess the two parts carefully
  • Collect the feedback and note down the mistakes
  • Prepare the report information and set up the next KPI
  • Lastly, create a plan to make future campaigns even better

So in this way, you can follow the steps and create your very own marketing strategies for your next campaign.

How to Create an Email Marketing Campaign using weMail

Ready to Reinvent Your Digital Marketing Strategies?

Digital marketing is a perfect weapon to take a business to the next level, only if you can follow the proper strategies. But sometimes generalized strategies couldn’t do much and this is what the post is all about. Surely, it will help you to re-generate or rethink your ideas and how to apply them perfectly.

Let’s recall the strategies shortly –

  • Implement new tactics in your content marketing strategies
  • Apply growth hack techniques
  • Carefully work on your buyer persona
  • A/B test, see the result on your email marketing
  • Implement Post-campaign analysis to make better marketing decisions

So, we believe that’s all you need to have a good start with your newest marketing plan. Do you have something more in mind?

About Nahid Komol

Nahid is a marketer by profession and writer by passion, the feeling of independence and free thinking always keeps him going! If not writing, he’s either running his eyes over the science fiction stories, editing videos or playing acoustic guitar, writing lyrics, and taking photos of nature!