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Author: Adnan Khan

How to Find Emails For Email Marketing

How to Find Email Addresses For Your Email Marketing

Before running a successful email marketing campaign, you need to create an email list of active leads. And, these leads should be interested in your business. But do you know how to find email addresses in the right way? It’s a way bit trickier. Only if you follow a careful method, the job would be […]

Email Marketing Hacks in 2021 to Ensure Your Desired Growth

Email Marketing Hacks in 2024 to Ensure Your Desired Growth

The popularity of email marketing has been always on the rise. The post-pandemic era makes it even more relevant. What makes it an undeniable marketing channel, also brings a horde of new challenges. As everyone wants their email campaigns to bring acquisition, retention, and revenue. Over 105 billion emails are sent everyday and the number […]

How to Build Loyal Customers/Convert 1st Time Audience Into Lifetime Customers

How to Build Loyal Customers and Convert 1st Time Audience for Lifetime

Customers may come and go in your business. But if you want it to flourish and be successful, you need a loyal customer base. We will explain things later on. For now, you can get along with the stats given below. 60% of loyal customers will buy more often from their preferred companies. InMoment Loyal […]

No-reply email address

Why You Shouldn’t Use No-reply Email Address and Things to Do Next

Every day you probably get tons of emails from your customers or other organizations. But most of the time, it’s hard to check them one by one. Also, in some cases, you do not want to fill your inboxes with unnecessary queries. That means you don’t have time to check those emails which are not […]

The smart Trick of Email Marketing Affiliate Program

The Smart Ways to Start Email Marketing Affiliate Program

Affiliate marketing is a way of promoting products or services of other companies on your blog website, social networks, emails, etc. Around 3 – 81% of brands use Affiliate Marketing Programs and the industry is expected to grow to $6.8 billion by 2020. eMarketer Nowadays, most of the industry uses the power of affiliate marketing […]

Subliminal Advertising example in Email Marketing & How To Do It Right! way

Subliminal Advertising in Email Marketing & How To Do It in the Right Way

The subliminal message is a smart way to convince your customers by influencing their subconscious. Over the years, famous brands like Nike, Pepsi, Coca Cola, successfully using hidden messages to promote their products or services. Nowadays, marketers use the same strategies in email marketing. Advertising that uses images and sounds that the conscious mind is […]

marketing glossary

An Easy Guide to Marketing Glossary You Must Know

Marketing is an everlasting way to drive sales and revenue. But it needs continuous efforts to rise above your competitors. To make successful business plans, you need to learn all the basics in the first place. Marketing glossary is one of those basics. That’s why we’ll try to share the most useful terms or jargon […]

Dynamic Content in email marketing

How Dynamic Email Content Works and Increase Your User Engagement

Personalization becomes the key to every marketing aspect. The same goes for email marketing. Applying dynamic email content can increase your email engagement and retention nonetheless. While creating emails, marketers always focus on these informations – Name, gender, etc Location Race Professional information Financial status Personal preferences Previous purchases Customer lifecycle or style Behavior All […]

Successful Email Marketing Campaigns

Top 10 Proven Ways to Revive Outdated Email and Run Successful Email Marketing Campaigns

Successful email marketing campaigns play an important role in developing your business. But many people think that email marketing is dead now. And they don’t utilize this marketing method properly for promoting their business. Actually, email marketing is still alive and always creates a positive impact on growing business. Hence, the current ROI of email […]

marketing automation solution

Is Marketing Automation Ideal for You?

As we know, marketing is one of the vital parts of any business. But, the modern-day marketing strategies are far different from the typical. Therefore, people would like to establish marketing automation solutions in their business for better development. According to Wikipedia, marketing automation refers to software platforms and technologies that marketers use to plan, […]

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