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With the FastSpring integration with weMail, you can now easily sync your list with all your FastSpring orders. That way you can easily create a list with all your customers from your FastSpring account.

Let’s see how you can setup the FastSpring integration.

Set Up FastSpring

Create a list or choose any existing list. Then click on the list.

create a list

Now, from the Options button, select the Settings option.


Now, if you scroll down, you will see the FastSpring option. Enable it and then copy the Webhook URL. Don’t forget to hit the Save Changes button.

enable FastSpring

Now, go to your FastSpring account. Navigate to Integrations-> Webhook. Click on Add Webhook.

add webhook

Give your Webhook a name and choose Live Orders from the drop-down list.

webhook name

After finishing, click on Add URL Endpoint button.


Now, paste the Webhook URL you copied from the weMail list. And select order completed option

webhook url added

You are done.

Testing the Connection

If any customer completes an order from FastSpring,

complete order

He/She will automatically added to the list you chose.

added to the list

That’s it for FastSpring integration with weMail.

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